Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Spending Freeze

As paltry as they may be, I have frozen my assets (not literally - just no spending ANY money). I haven't spent anything today or yesterday and I am not planning on spending any money until my next paycheck (the 15th). Part of this is driven by poverty and the other part is that I just don't watch my money very well. I don't get all crazy or anything, but I spend more than I should. I am not buying any food as I have enough in the house to last me a while and I am not going out and buying anything (i.e. drinks or movies, or whatnot). Yay. I guess this will be a good way for me to clean out my shelves and freezer - there's really nothing to speak of in the refrigerator aside from a wide variety of condiments. Maybe I can fill my new found free time being productive. Perhaps cleaning my apartment like I planned when my dad came to visit? Well, let's not get crazy.

Who's with me? Haha, no really, don't do it.


Unknown said...

I'm kind of in the same boat, as far as trying to clean out the pantry shelves. Since Lydia already moved out, we went through all of the food and she took some with her and we threw some away. My refrigerator, etc. is quite bare, but at least I can see what I actually have! I'm moving in a few weeks so I'm trying not to buy anything that I'm just going to have to move...

Katy C. said...

I need to stop spending money. I've been a bit more spend happy now that I have a real job and better pay that comes with it. In my defense most of my spend happiness has been related to my needing to update/upgrade my wardrobe, but I still need to dial it back a good bit.