Friday, December 30, 2005

It's soooooo F*ckin' Cliche...

Guess what my #1 New Year's resolution is? Get healthy and lose a crapload of weight. I want to accomplish several other things over the course of 2006, but weight is my most important thing. Anyone who knows me fairly well realizes that this is one thing that I have struggled with for YEARS. Here is the ugly, honest account of the childhood of a fat kid:

- I realized I was a bigger than other kids in kindergarten
- the various and numerous comments from strangers and relatives about my weight and my plans for losing it (ummm, thanks, apparently they believed that Katieland is devoid of mirrors)
- Attempted and failed practically every diet known to man
- lost and gained enough weight to boggle my mind, let alone yours

I could go on, but I have decided not to bore you. Here's the bottom line: I'm trying again and I have the new determination that I would like to live past the age of 35. I come from a family that has managed to create a genetic link to most every disease known to man. It is amazing that I am still kicking to this day.

A little too honest people, but that's the way it is.


Katy C. said...

If you decide to take up running let me know! I'm looking for someone to run with as I lack motivation to do it by myself :)

Unknown said...

Good luck Katie! I know you can do it because I've seen you do it before. Happy New Year! xoxoxoxo

PrincessGreen17 said...

Yay, Katie! It's hard to make that decision, "Ok, I'm going to lose all this weight!" I'll be cheering you on, and trying to shed some pounds too!

katie g. said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I am already feeling better, but really sore from my first workout. I always feel like a much more productive person when I am taking care of my health.

Peyton said...

I am there with you. I just bought all health food at the grocery store, plus, I bought Body for Life for Women. Hopefully, this will work better than Weight Watchers (which was a complete failure).