Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Day Two

Just an update on my resolution. I am still sore from my workout yesterday. I find it so frustrating that I let myself get into such bad shape again. I didn't work out today partly because I was too sore and I had to get up at 3:45 a.m. to get to work at 4:30 and was pretty beat by the time I got off from my second shift. Anyhoo, the eating has been going well. I am very full after my dinner of steamed cabbage, cous cous, and a Lean Cuisine. Just a note, Lean Cuisine has come out with a new line of panini's and they are delicious! Mmmm-mmm. Well, I am off to bed and hope everyone is doing well in the new year.


Unknown said...

I was craving the kind of cheese that's in manicotti... why can I never think of what it's called... anyway I picked up a Lean Cuisine that was something similar, and it was pretty good.

And by the way, I like steamed cabbage! :)

Unknown said...

p.s. it's 12:53, not 10:53.

Peyton said...

I made cabbage last night too.

My favorite lean cuisine is the creamy basil chicken over angel hair pasta. I like to have a side of broccoli or steamed green beans with it.

I haven't made it to working out yet, but I did walk 2 miles to the grocery store and back last night- surely that counts for something.

Unknown said...

Ricotta!! I just remembered it.

sorry for hogging the comments on this one. :)

Katy C. said...

Those Michalena (sp?) dinners aren't too bad. Not the greatest, but not bad either.