Friday, December 23, 2005

No wings, no hands, half a face.

This is what happens when your enterprising father decides to attempt to hang the Christmas angel with the fireplace tongs. This is the type of thing that occurs to men and not women. I would NEVER have thought that precariously clutching the angel between a chosen tool of a fireplace set would be the PERFECT way to get the angel on top of the tree. I think that may be what a ladder is for. But don't ask me, I just visit this place from time to time. Another angel is on top of the tree, but don't get too hopeful. This angel is one that I made circa 1986 out of red crinkly paper, a twist tie, a doily, and a styrofoam ball. I have to admit she looks pretty good on top of our strange tree. A perfect addition to the gimp.

On the tree decorating front, we have abandoned our original idea (my father's, of course) of throwing the lights toward the front of the tree and seeing what happens. My brother and I actually pulled the tree away from the corner and wrapped lights around the entire thing. Coni, Chris' girlfriend, and I put the decorations up and it looks pretty damn good- if I do say so myself. We put a lot of ornaments on, probably close to 200. There are several bare spots (as mentioned in the previous post), but we have lots of icicle decorations and they fill the blank spaces well. If I can find a USB cable for the digital camera I will post a picture. I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday and I will speak or email all of you soon.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and whatever else anyone is celebrating!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Today is FESTIVUS!! woo-hooo!!! Where's the pole?!