Wednesday, March 29, 2006

there's a limit

After applying for sainthood (still waiting to hear back from the Vatican) I had to speak to my neighbor this evening about her horrible taste in music and the volume at which she was playing it. I didn't actually dis the music, but I did ask her to turn it down. She was nice about (I'm sure she starts stories with "my crazy upstairs neighbor" or "that bitch that lives above me" - but you can add this fact to the list of things that I couldn't give a crap about). She turned the music down and now I have a running tally of six neighbors that I have told to shut the f*ck up (although in much nicer words). This is another reason I need to get a real job so I can start paying a mortgage on a house that is so far from another human you would need a GPS system to find civilization. I will have the record show that I remained calm and didn't have meltdown. I still see this as another victory.


Peyton said...

People need to realize it is not so much the music as it is the bass. II am glad to see you are keeping your cool.

Unknown said...

Wow, you must live in a real party building!

katie g. said...

The six neighbors have been in three different apartments. I am an equal opportunity curmudgeon. I would just throw myself off my balcony if I lived in a "party" building.