Monday, March 27, 2006


Um, I'm not sure if it's the places I've been hanging out at lately, but I keep seeing people talking to themselves. In this day and age, it is not too unusual to see someone talking to themselves and realize they're just talking on a hands-free headset, but the people I'm talking about are straight up C-R-A-Z-Y. Not only are they carrying on a full a conversation with themselves, but you can tell "someone" is talking back. Hey, I talk to myself from time to time, but I try to refrain from doing it in the presence of other people. A few of these people I have seen are not homeless and seem to hold down steady jobs and still they blab away at nothing (which irks me for several reasons - most of all b/c they have real jobs, but I digress). Am I being too harsh, should I have more tolerance for the wacked in the head? I'm not sure, I shall take this under advisement...


Anonymous said...

One of the partners that I work for is constantly talking to himself. So often, in fact, that I often get confused as to whether he is talking to me or himself. Apparently, if his head is facing left while he's speaking, he's talking to himself.

katie g. said...

Nice. Maybe that's a regular thing. Remember that guy that I told you about from Barnes and Noble? CREEPY