Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Rock Bottom

I don't usually post so close together, but I feel the need to admit another embarassing fact about my life:

As a result of my Lenten promise, I have taken to drinking other beverages. I'm just not the Darren from Bewitched type (fix myself a martini upon my arrival home from work) so I don't have a lot of liquor in the house. I like something I can open, hear a little hiss, and take a swig. No, I haven't sunk to drinking Wild Irish Rose or Mad Dog 20/20. No, even lower. I have now started drinking:


What's next? Where will the madness end. The horror, the horror.


Unknown said...


Katie, I think there is such a thing as being TOO honest on your blog...


Susan said...

God will understand...it is Zima...

Peyton said...

I just don't know quite what to say... Maybe you should try gin and tonic.

katie g. said...

Boy, I feel like I just admitted to squashing puppies with my car on purpose. It's okay, though. I deserve ridicule.

Anonymous said...

the gods of bad tonic are now laughing at what they have driven you to