Friday, March 10, 2006

Here is something I know...

Jenny will know what I mean by this one:

I may not know a lot. I may be unhappy about a lot of things. I may be self-deprecating to an ultimate fault. I may drive my friends crazy. I may not be the most caring individual. But, this is what I know:

After surfing through myspace for close to one million years, I have come to the conclusion that there is someone on this site that I am:

Better than, prettier than, nicer than, more caring than, less likely to go to hell than, more willing to face time in prison than...Generally, a more all around okay person than...

Did you think I would reveal this person's name. Oh no. God has this person's number, no need for me to reveal it. Karma's a bitch. I am even waiting for their time to run out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a big believer in karma and this person should watch out like no other.