Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm pretty sure if I got a face transplant the last thing I would be doing is

lighting up a burning stick near the new goods. I have read on and that the French lady that got the first face transplant has taken up smoking again. After surviving an attack by her own dog, this lady seems bent on shortening her life in other ways. I realize I am a confirmed non-smoker, but it seems to me if I happened to be the person who got my face transplanted on, I would be taking care of it. That would include bans on skydiving, skateboarding, firefighting, dog-catching, and smoking. Nothing that has the potential to melt off my new mug is going anywhere near me. Oh well, call me crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good thing you won't be getting a face transplant any time soon. i know how much you love firefighting.