Tuesday, November 15, 2005


This is my new catch-all descriptor for boys. I realize it is a generalization and not all boys are scummy, but the majority are and that is a fact of life.

How have I come to this conclusion?

-Although guys and girls are initially attracted to overall appearance and hotness level (don't lie, you know it's true - so don't try that "eyes" or "smile" bullsh*t), girls will usually become more attracted or less attracted based on personality. This is not true for guys - the girl can be an uber bitch, but uber hot and guys will put up with just about anything.
-Don't even get me started on the whole sex thing. I know girls do it too, but it is still more of a guy thing to sleep with anything that moves. And girls are the sluts? whatever.

Thoughts? Am I just being bitter or truthful? Both? (Honestly, I'd probably admit to both)


Unknown said...

It has just dawned on me that guys are really just looking to hook up, and if they don't get that "we're gonna hook up really soon" vibe, then watch them quickly turn to a dot on the horizon.


Anonymous said...

Add morons along with scummy. When you are told "You have nice hips," and " Your chin is so suckable" I wonder how some guys manage to get any play.

Katy C. said...

LOL. The majority of the male population is scum. Screwed up, mental, having major issues about life. In short - scum. Having dated a guy for a good while and having become the "nonsexual" friend of all his guys friend I have gained more insight to the male thought process than I ever cared to know....

Anonymous said...

Yep, you're right - men will put up with ultimate attitude if the girl is hot. There is this girl in one of my classes who is good looking, but she is so mean. Like knock down your grandmother and laugh mean. Of course all the guys flock to her. This one guy said he likes em mean and hot. haha. If only it were funny instead of just sad. Oh by the way Katie, I meant to ask you, do you know this guy named Jeremy Johnson from BSC? I think he's really cute and I hope not scummy.
~Playdoh factory

katie g. said...

I hope I don't offend you, but Playdoh Factory? Obviously I know you, but I am unclear about your identity...Am I being dumb? BTW, I don't remember a Jeremy Johnson, but the way I am feeling right now I am sure he is scummy.

katie g. said...

The mystery of the Playdoh Factory has been solved. As I suspected - I'm dumb. Big shock.

PrincessGreen17 said...

That has always annoyed me about my guy friends! They don't care how a girl acts as long as she's hot, and I can't stand to be around a nasty person, no matter what they look like! You are right on!