Monday, July 10, 2006

Maybe they're Amish

So, I have some new neighbors (I think a new married couple) and I have noticed some weird things about them. First, they moved all their stuff in several months ago and most of it has remained in boxes. The reason I know this is that they have left the windows open on several occasions. During the middle of the day. In Alabama. In the summer. What are they trying to do? Air-condition the entire neighborhood? One of them has an inflammatory anti-abortion bumper sticker on a beat up car. Finally, after seeing the apartment at night during one of my walks with Teddy I realized what else was wrong with them. They have NO TELEVISION. Not a one. What do they do with their time? They must really be in love or just plain crazy. It makes absolutely NO SENSE to me. All of this technology and goodness surrounds them and they have shunned it. Sometimes they just leave the front door and back door open and turn off all the lights. Ugh. Weirdos. They might at well live in a tent.

1 comment:

Peyton said...

My neighbors don't have a television... by choice. Actually, let me correct that statement. They have a television, they just willingly keep it unplugged from the cable cord. They don't even get anything from an antenna because we are so close to the Sear's Tower that it messes up all signals. What are they thinking!

Oh, and you have some really weird neighbors...