Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fine, I'm nosy

I admit that I like to know what the people around me are doing. Not to an obsessive degree, but I do find the people who live around my apartment particularly curious. Tonight's topic is my downstairs neighbor.

I can't figure out what she does. From what I can tell she is not in school (i.e. no parking pass, school stickers, regular outings from her apartment, etc.) and has an extremely part-time job. Her boyfriend hangs out all the time and they watch t.v. incessantly. I like my apartment complex, but it is not the type of place the independently wealthy find themselves. I guess she could be a really poor heiress or just extremely lazy who's beyond all logic paying her bills. Don't worry, I really don't think about this all the time, but I do have such a strange schedule that I am at home at weird times of the day and she is usually here. In the same parking space. I have decided on three possible occupations:

exotic dancer
Jimmy Kimmel Show t.v. watcher
Homeless person that the apartment people don't know is living here


Unknown said...

I say stripper. :) Hey, at least she owns a TV.

katie g. said...

Oooh, good one, Littlelai! It never even crossed my mind.

crazycatlady said...

Hey...don't worry...I'm just as nosy as you are. Before moving in my house, me and the husband tried to figure out what all the people in our apartment complex did. We had a white guy across from us, who we were determined imported mail order Asian brides. He had a different Asian girl with him every month or so, and they never spoke English. He had a second car, that the girl of the month drove. They were in the building across from us, so we could see in their always open windows. The girl would clean and cook, but not leave very often. There was no moving in and out of these girls, so I don't believe they had many belongings. They would be around for a while, then dissappear, and a few weeks later, a different one would appear. This guy didn't work either...he was always home. Definately something weird...I really think they were mail order brides that he imported and then sold. People are so interesting...

Avery's mom said...

you have time to worry about how other people may or maynot pay their bills? I'm so consumed with how ours are going to get paid I dont have much thought to others I suppose.
maybe she's a student but does all her classes online or something not needing a student parking pass however i will say the first thing that went through my mind was that she's a stripper but the onese down here in TX. you can spot a mile away

katie g. said...

I like thinking about how other people are going to pay their bills just so I don't have to worry about my own.