Monday, November 20, 2006

What do you think

About Michael Richard's racist tirade at a comedy club? It seems quite reminiscent of Mel Gibson's anti-semitic remarks after he was arrested for drunk driving. I just wonder what people are thinking when they say these things. What possesses someone to call people such hateful names? Just because they got heckled? As far as I know, being heckled is part of the job when you are a stand-up comedian. How do you explain it away or apologize enough? Just to note, neither Mel nor Michael are from the southeastern part of the United States. In case anyone wants to point fingers at the South for their racist tendencies, I will have you know that neither my friends nor I would ever say the kinds of things that either Gibson or Richards said. They deserve public condemnation.


Peyton said...

He is so on the F-List... there is no excuse for his behavior.

Avery's mom said...

I'm from the south but I wouldnt dare voice my hate towards others.
I save it as a confession on my blog

BabyMakes4 said...

you know, when people do those things, apologies really do mean nothing. once you've said it, it's out there. and i tend to think that things you say when angry tend to be more true than not true. i'm appalled by it. and thank you so much for pointing out that they aren't from the south. it bugs me so much that people just assume that southeners are more racist than everyone else. where i live now (which, in my opinion, is not the south) is WAY more racist than when i lived in mississippi.

sorry for the rant...