Sunday, March 16, 2008

How was your weekend?

Mine was spent alternating between my bedroom and bathroom. Starting at 9 am Saturday morning, I had a ferocious stomach bug and felt AWFUL. I'm feeling better now, just sore and tired. So, this weekend was a bust. I didn't do anything fun. I'm really hungry right now and I can't decide what to eat. I'm past the nausea and I want meat. Weird, huh? I guess my body is demanding protein.


Unknown said...

Yuck, what a way to spend a weekend. Me, I've come down with my second cold in a month.

Susan said...

Poor, Katie! I hope you are back to normal soon!

Katy C. said...

Aww, that's a bummer. I'm glad you're feeling better!

Peyton said...

Well, I was sick all weekend (congestion, fever, "stomach" trouble- if you know what i mean) and then on Sunday I got on a plane at 7am, had a 3 hour layover in Atlanta, and finally arrived at the coast around 4. I feel your pain.