Thursday, January 17, 2008

To date or not to date

Someone told me that I'm not even trying. To date, that is. It's true. I'm not. It's much easier to pretend that guys don't exist than to be rejected. I don't write this post to elicit sympathy or online denials...because the plain truth is that I am not fit to date. Seriously, I am just too...I'm going to say it...right now...okay, in a minute...fat. Why would anyone want to date me? You know what happens when you're overweight (but not grossly so)? You become invisible. People just don't see you. Of course my friends see me, but other people don't. It's amazing to be so easily dismissed. I'm pretty used to it. If you haven't ever experienced this, then it is hard to explain. It's like people look right through you because they are trying to find something else to see. Wow. No more of this kind of posting. I want to delete this, but I am just going to stick with being honest.


PrincessGreen17 said...

You're very brave to say that and leave it up. I think I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

I so totally hear you. And it gets even worse when the people who've never had a weight problem start telling you you're blowing it all out of proportion. Grr grr grr.

Peyton said...

I hope I never have to enter the dating game again... from what I remember, it is sucky. I found it quite disappointing until, of course, I started dating my best friend. My experience has shown that good relationships start with good friendships.

katie g. said...

well...most of my friends are girls and unfortunately, I just don't feel that way about chicks. My guy friends are great, but we work well as friends. It would be weird to date them...kind of like dating my brother, perhaps? ick.