Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back from the beach...

Several friends and I headed down to Gulf Shores this weekend. We left around midnight Friday night and got back Monday night. It was a quick trip, but a little something to calm me before the craziness of Summer Reading. I called work today to check in and see how things were going and I just shouldn't have done it. Seriously, why did I call in? It's not going to make me feel any better. I'm not going to be able to fix anything and all it does is make me feel guilty about not being at work. Literally, I took 2 vacation days and I feel guilty. It's ridiculous. I hate the summer. That is one thing about being a children's librarian in a public library - you lose your summer. You learn to dread it and I all think about is summers of days gone by. Why didn't I appreciate summers off? I'm going to have to wait until I'm 65 to have another summer off.

If you can't tell, I seem to be suffering from vacation blues.


PrincessGreen17 said...

Gulf Shores, I'm so jealous! I know, I never realized that I wouldn't always have summers off either. Bit of a shock, really.

Anonymous said...

At least you did have to go to your in-laws for your birthday.