Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back in the 'Ham

I came home today. I decided to go ahead and get back to the apartment and not put it off. Last year I kept putting it off and spent several extra days at home because I was trying to avoid work. Not this year, I like my job more and life seems to be a little more enjoyable. It's late, but it is officially New Year's Eve and it makes me look back at 2008. Let's see...this is what happened over the course of the year...

I went through three coworkers and that was a bit challenging.

I also experienced a time when I thought I would leave my job and look for something else

I seriously thought about moving - particularly around the time I wanted to leave my job

I turned 30

I survived a family vacation

I got a new job

I made some positive changes in my personal life

I made some new friends

All in all, 2008 was good for me. I know it wasn't for everyone, but I am trying to be happy for myself. I wish everyone an awesome 2009!


Peyton said...

Overall, it seems like you have had a good year.

I am so glad to see 2008 go far, far away. The past year has been full of sacrificing my happiness for others and enough is enough. It is time to be selfish.

Here is to us and our happiness in '09!

PrincessGreen17 said...

Happy New Year!

PrincessGreen17 said...

I forgot to say this (no post by you!:) ) yesterday, but Happy Elvis's Birthday!

Peyton said...

I want an update for 2009... please.