Sunday, September 09, 2007

Financial Responsibility

I spend money willy-nilly. Yes. I actually spend money willy-nilly. Not on extravagant purchases, but on little things everyday that add up to a lot of money. I need some personal responsibility. I have decided to...



go on a budget. ick. I'll let you know how my sucky life goes from here.


Peyton said...

Jamie and I started budget year FY08 on September 1. I know exactly how you feel!

PrincessGreen17 said...

I do the same thing with the little purchases here and there. They do add up, dammit! Good luck...

katie g. said...

I'm actually starting my budget on Thursday because that is when I get paid and at this point it would be a bit pointless to try and save money when my bank balance is smaller than my shoe size.

Susan said...

I am in your boat as well. UGH.