Thursday, June 21, 2007

Only the Lonely

I'm going to be a bit alone this weekend and I am trying to decide what to do. I have been crazy busy the last three weekends (worked at the library, went to ATL, and my brother's wedding and associated hoopla) and you would think I would like to chill and do nothin', but that isn't the case. I never want to stay home when I don't have plans and when I do, I want to stay home (as I recall, I have discussed this before). Regardless, I am still at loose ends. I'm also feeling a bit unpopular as of late (also a topic I have already discussed here) and I am not sure what to do about it. I should probably try to hang out with some people I work with, but it's soooo hard to put on "fun Katie" and troop her out. I have to be "on." Making my usual jokes and charming people with my wit and clever repartee (ha.). It is amazing how most people don't really know you. You know what I mean, really know you. I can't tell you how surprised I am every time I realize someone is just as insecure as I am. I guess if I learned from life it wouldn't come as such a shock, but it is still fascinating. We spend so much time hiding that it is amazing that anyone gets to know anyone.

This post was brought to you by Jack Handy and his deep thoughts.


Peyton said...

Katie, I am very much alone this weekend, too. Jamie is is DC (hanging out with my mom) and I am here in Chicago... alone. I am not quite sure what to do with myself... I want to be social but I just can't make myself do it.

If you decide you are bored and you find yourself drinking beer give me a call... I am probably going to do the same thing.

As for people not really knowing you, I feel the same way. As I have gotten older, I find myself less willing to let people see the reall me. They get the surface... that is why I value friends like you, because I can be my complete self around you.

katie g. said...

awww. Thanks. I probably will be giving you a call this weekend :)

Katy C. said...

I can relate to almost this entire blog. Except for the hanging out with coworkers. 99% of mine are married and don't do the hanging out thing :o\

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should make up a dance to a Justin Timberlake song to perform at the bars.

katie g. said...

I already worked out the choreography, I'm just waiting for the beat-boxer within to come alive...