Sunday, October 15, 2006

Honesty and your parents

Due to several conversations I have had this week I am inspired to ask the question: how honest are you with your parents? If I was to give a percentage I would say that I am 85% honest or upfront with my dad. I don't talk about everything with him, but I do include him in most of what is going on in my life. It has come to my attention that there are many people that lie to their parents ALL THE TIME or they keep major parts of their life hidden from them. I am talking about ADULTS. People who can join the armed services, vote for president, drink legally and they still lie to their mommy and daddy about having a few beers. I don't get this. What are they afraid of? It seems sad to me that they feel they have to hide their true selves. Aren't parents supposed to love you despite your shortcomings?

Percentage-wise, how honest are you?

P.S. I do have to say that there are some people that are TOO honest with their parents. They tell them everything and I mean everything. One of the best things my mom told me was that she wanted me to feel like I could talk to her about important things, but she didn't want to know everything. That was what my friends were for. She always told me that she didn't want to be my friend (and I don't mean that in a bad way), but my mom.


Anonymous said...

I don't really have anything to hide from my parents, so maybe I'm 95% honest with them?

But no I don't tell them everything because I agree, parents aren't supposed to be your friends.

Anonymous said...

i think i fall into the category of telling mine too much, at least thats what we're dealing with now. I've made up my mind that i really need to back off of telling them all the garbage in my life. your mother is a smart woman, unfortuantley i have a mother that likes to pry and there are consequences when battles are evoked between my parents and husband. just more garbage so I'm working on simply keeping my trap shut. dont know i would go so far as lying to them but I'm realizing that my parents dont need to know all the details. its tough to put up barriers but seems necesary for healthy living.
(good topic by the way)

Peyton said...

Katie, you know my parents... they are such prudes sometimes, especially when it comes to alcohol. My dad practically forces me to eat bread when I have had only two beers. They think that if you have more than 1 or 2, you are an alcoholic. Hell, look at my brother... they thought he was an alcoholic and now they don't even speak (so not fair, but that is a whole other issue.)

To sum up, I keep a major part of my life off limits in order to protect myself. It is easy considering I am 800 miles away and I only go home once a year. I only wish I had the option of being as much as 85% honest without fearing being disowned.

Katy C. said...

Hmmmm....I'd say 85% is a good round number for how honest I am with them. And it's not that I'm not honest. We just have a lovely "they don't ask, I don't tell" policy that works well for us :o) And I agree w/ Peyton, being 4 states away from home helps out a lot as well.

katie g. said...

Peyton, I have to agree with you and your need for keeping things from your parents. I love them and all, but they seem to have gotten to be a little say the least...

PrincessGreen17 said...

I would say around 90%? I'm honest with them about stuff if they ask, but I don't offer up any extra info! I like your P.S., that's how it should be. Parents on a need-to-know-basis.