slightly tan and a million less brain cells
I got back from the beach last night and was pretty tired. I actually went to bed before midnight last night. I had a good time, but like any vacation I was glad to get home. I shall give ya'll a quick run down of the week:
Monday: drank far too much and had to go to bed early...such a party foul.
Tuesday: Went to the beach drank a lot, but not way too much (this is a delicate distinction, but important).
Wednesday: Spent all day at the beach, drank a lot, got locked out of the condo, had the "802 incident."
Thursday: Had some Waffle House - a beach essential - sat under an umbrella and drank a lot. Later that evening witnessed Peyton dancing quite animatedly to "Baby Got Back." Truly one of the best beach memories. Actually, one of the best memories, beach or not.
Friday: Stayed in bed and read a book while waiting for Jamie and Peyton to return from the outlet mall. I find that shopping without money is seriously very little fun. Returned to B'ham that night.
Well, that's it in a nutshell. I am experiencing a bit of sun withdrawal but I am glad to get home to watch my cable. Hope everyone had a good week as well. Talk to you soon.
Whither the Yuan?
China's decision to lift the yuan's peg to the dollar marks a modest but important first step in overhauling its strict currency regime.
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Katie, you've got this vacation business down to a fine art; sun, drinking and no shopping. Sounds great.
Sorry, I had to add the word verfication to avoid the spamming...any suggestions to avoid it?
i'm so jealous of your beach trip...not only am i seriously needing some beach time, but a few nice little beach drinks wouldn't be too bad either. :)
Tell me about it... I am so dumb after that trip. Too much beer... yet, I am still drinking. Well, I have one of those jumbo beers to guzzle (while I pack of course)... I will probably not be packing breakables tonight.
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