Monday, April 10, 2006

When was the first time you...: Monday Night

Okay, so it's not technically Monday night, but I had a request from a bored reader to post early so here goes:

You ever got drunk?

The first time I ever got drunk was at my brother's rehearsal dinner (the first one, as it turns out) and I was 15 (about a month shy of 16) and there was an open bar. My brother's friends kept sneaking me drinks -although, looking back I am pretty sure my parents knew what was going on. By the time I sat down for the dinner I had four different drinks sitting in front of me (I have never been a half-assed drinker) and I was starting to feel the effects of the adult beverages. As I had never been drunk before, it took me a couple of minutes to figure out what was wrong with me and then I got really paranoid and worried that my parents would freak out. My brother happened to get up and in some sort of drunken, slurred "whisper" I told my brother I needed help. He was a little annoyed (being part of his special day and all) and I informed him that I thought I "might" be intoxicated. He escorted me to the bathroom where I splashed some water on my face and I sobered up a bit after walking around. That's about it for the first time being drunk. Incidentally, the second time I got drunk was the next night at the reception :)


Susan said...

I was in Mexico on a study abroad trip (I was about 20). My friend, Rachel, and I decided to take a trip to Puerto Vallarta...and, well, we began drinking around 10 that morning and just kept going. Somewhere along the way, I fell into the pool and I had a horrible hangover!

Katy C. said...

It was my senior year in high school and I had gone to a party with my cousin. The "bad influence" one dontcha know :o)

Anonymous said...

I don't remember!! I do know that I drank several times before I ever got drunk. I always do everything in moderation, you know...

katie g. said...

Sarah, that's kinda sad. You should think up the most memorable early drinking experience. Heh, everything in moderation...

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Japan when I was fifteen. They had beer machines on the street. It was a magical place :) Thanks for posting early-(even though I'm just now responding!)-you always keep me amused at work!

katie g. said...

I did. Big news, I'm surprised that it hasn't received more coverage

BabyMakes4 said...

my first time was at a party senior year of high-school I drank two beers. To be fair, I hadn't eaten all day. Now it takes about three beers. my mom knew, too, because there was a cup of black coffee in my room and i never drank coffee then.

Lora Leigh said...

I drank wine coolers and such on my senior cruise to the Bahamas.