Sunday, November 27, 2005

Another movie review...

I saw Walk the Line this weekend and it was great! Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were awesome and their singing was quite good. I highly recommend this movie to anyone, you don't even have to be a big Johnny Cash fan. It's just a good story. On a related note, I would like to discuss something that this movie made me ponder:

Bad Boys.

Why do we (girls, women, old women, gay men...) love bad boys? Johnny was a bad boy for many years of his life and I gotta say it was a little sexy (maybe not when he was strung out on uppers, but you get my drift). I have always found someone with a little dark side to be quite attractive. Why can't I like nice guys? Why can't you? I think nice guys are overlooked during their 20s and highly sought after in their 30s and 40s. Should I start looking for a nice guy now and settle for nice and not sparks? Hmmm. It is something to think about.


Unknown said...

I'll take it a step further and say that the ultimate turn-on is the reformed bad boy. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I dunno, I never personally got the bad boy thing, always having found what I consider "bad boys" to be more annoying than attractive.

Similarly, though, I should say that the 20-something fellows labelled "good guys" are generally not so much good at all but are more passive-aggressive personality-free chumps who hide their enormous sense of entitlement behind a nigh-impenetrable veneer of self-pity, so I don't care much for them either.

Basically, people whose identity is wrapped up in being "good" or "bad" are generally not worth bothering with, as their personalities are basically hollow centers with a thin coating of reactivity to societal norms; it's better to be with people who're into being themselves, not into being what they think the world does or does not want them to be.

(Thus endeth the sermon.)

katie g. said...

Goodness, Matt! I kind of agree with what you mention about the passive agressive b.s.

As for you, Sarah, you nailed it on the head. Reformed bad boys ARE sexy. You know they have some "bad" in them, but they aren't degenerates.

Lora Leigh said...

The question is, "What type are you right now?"
I think you might appreciate someone who is in a similar place in their life right now, unless you are going for the opposite attraction.

If you haven't gotten your "bad" side out you need might want someone "bad" also. Otherwise, if you are "good" someone bad might just p*ss you off.

Katy C. said...

I haven't ever really dated a "bad" boy - now, the "bad for me" boy I'll completely own up to, I was young/dumb. It's amazing how those two qualities almost always go together.