Thursday, December 07, 2006

Are we really this lazy?

I keep seeing advertisements for a dvd/cd opener. Apparently, we as Americans are so lazy that we can't even manage to unwrap plastic from cd or dvd cases. I think it should be a rule that if you can't open your own dvds or cds (and don't have a physical impairement) then you should not be allowed to own such items.


Avery's mom said...

ouch! are so tough on people. :)

Peyton said...

CDs and DVDs are on their way out... so this will be a short-lived item... hopefully.

katie g. said...

You do bring up a good point and after some thought: seeing as I don't use them, yes. I can open a letter with my finger in a faster manner than a dull metal knife-like thing. By the time you slide the letter opener under the edge of the envelope you could have opened several other letters.